要一个今天的房间 or use the touchpanel located outside any study room. For help with room reservations, call 970.248.1244 or 970.248.1406,在结帐处停下来 & 1楼的预订台st 地板上, or Library 政府 Office on the 3rd 地板上.
View study room directory and technologies.
触摸panel study room reservation instructions
- Green light indicates the room is available to reserve immediately: 触摸 可用 预订房间.
Red light indicates the room is reserved: 触摸 找到 查看现在的空房名单. - 触摸 主题 to type a name or description for your group.
- 点击一个 预定长度,或触摸 预订房间 for the maximum time available.
- 触摸 储备 at the bottom of the screen to complete your reservation.
Using QR code on touchpanel for reservations
- Open the photo app on your mobile device
- Position the QR code within the image frame
- You will get a prompt asking if you want to open the link from the QR code: Open the link
- 登录MAVzone
- Choose the room, time, and duration for your reservation
- 提交您的预订
The library has 30 reservable study rooms with various technologies that accommodate from two to eight people.
- Study rooms can be reserved for a maximum of two hours each day.
- Please leave rooms in good condition for the next group: wipe down work area, place all trash in the containers provided, 擦板, 推入椅子, 注销电脑.
- 自习室不是隔音的. Please respect other library patrons by keeping conversations to an appropriate level.
- The library upholds the policies in the Maverick Guide. Violations will be referred to the Student Conduct Officer.
- 酒精, 大麻, 香烟, 电子烟, and other recreational drugs are strictly prohibited in the study rooms at all times.
为以后的日期订一个房间. If request is made for under 24 hours, reservation may not be guaranteed. For help with future date room reservations, please email the Library 政府 Office at (电子邮件保护).
View study room directory and technologies.
The library has 30 reservable study rooms with various technologies that accommodate from two to eight people.
- Study rooms can be reserved for a maximum of two hours each day.
- Please leave rooms in good condition for the next group: wipe down work area, place all trash in the containers provided, 擦板, 推入椅子, 注销电脑.
- 自习室不是隔音的. Please respect other library patrons by keeping conversations to an appropriate level.
- The library upholds the policies in the Maverick Guide. Violations will be referred to the Student Conduct Officer.
- 酒精, 大麻, 香烟, 电子烟, and other recreational drugs are strictly prohibited in the study rooms at all times.
Classroom, Conference Room, or 事件 空间
The Library has two technology-rich classrooms for 与课程相关的图书馆指导 教职员工可以预定. Classrooms L212 and L231 each have whiteboards, 34个学生计算机站, and an instructor's station with a computer and projection equipment.
- Library classrooms are for occasional-use only, and not for ongoing needs/classes.
- 请出席你的班级.
- For new users of classrooms: At the beginning of each semester, IT provides faculty training on the use of classroom technology.
- 寻求使用课堂技术的帮助, 或者如果你有特殊的技术需求, 请拨打970与IT帮助台联系.248.1111, 在线,或者在1号st 地板上.
- Classrooms are kept locked for security reasons. If the room is locked when you arrive, please ask for help at the 结帐 & 1楼的预订台st 地板上, or the Library 政府 Office on the 3rd 地板上.
- Please close the door when you leave--it will lock automatically.
The Boettcher Conference Room accommodates 18 people, and is reservable to CMU affiliates and off-campus groups. Conference Room L331 overlooks the beautiful Grand Mesa and Mt. Garfield, and is equipped with a computer, projection equipment, and video and phone conferencing. 预订必须通过 大学中心.
事件 空间
The library has several indoor and outdoor event space options for CMU affiliates and off-campus groups. 请访问 房间和活动空间预订, or call the Library 政府 Office at 970.248.1406查询更多信息.
The 24-hour study space has moved from the southeast wing of the library to the library dining area. The space is equipped with computers, printers, tables, various seating, and restrooms. It is available for anyone to use during library hours. 几个小时之后, it is open to MAVcard holders who have registered using the QR code located near the front doors. Please give at least two business days for your registration to be processed.
For security reasons, once inside, please do not open the door to allow access to others. If you are a currently enrolled MAVcard holder and unable to gain access after library hours, please contact Facilities during business hours at 970.254.1465,或电邮 (电子邮件保护) with the details (name, 700#, day, time).